Dear Friends, First and foremost a huge thank you to all of you who have stuck with me and supported The Covered Chipboard over the past year even though I’ve not added a lot of new content and projects! We have had a lot of changes over the past year. With a big move, hubs being retired and home a LOT (grin) and being back with family, time has just gotten away from me.
I wanted to touch base with you all and catch you up on a few things. To start with, I want to apologize to all that have been working on the Halloweenie Town projects. I had planned on adding a fourth house to the set this year but due to health issues, it just isn’t going to happen. I do hope you all are having fun with the current projects and hope that you will send me some pics, or post to the blog, your finished houses! I’d love to see them!! I do promise to have a new house added by next year.
Due to a surgery scheduled for Nov. 2nd, my Etsy shop will be closed from Nov. 1st thru the 15th. Hopefully I will be up and around by then (say a prayer for me that I heal up fast). Nothing life threatening, but I will be out of commission for several weeks.
I’ve just discovered that the theme I’m using on the blog has become outdated and will need to be changed soon to avoid major site issues. I’ll be working on this over the remainder of the year and you should see a site update by the first of the year if not sooner. I’ll also be moving all of the Mysterious Plottings to its own site to avoid congestion on the Covered Chipboard site. I hope to have this completed soon. I’ll be posting to the group once that is complete.
I have a lot of plans in the works for the new year so keep watch for news on both the blogs and facebook groups!! There will be some new pre-cut mini kits, mini project tutorials, as well as some new digital printables! (Yes I heard your email requests lol).
I did managed to get the Mother Bates house landscape finished up last week – woohooo (grin). Here’s a look at the finished house.

This was such a fun project and I love the fact that it was created from cardboard, cardstock, and paint. If you love it, head over to Dreaming Tree and grab the SVG files to make one for yourself.
Here’s a look at an upcoming project I’ve wanted to do for a while now. I thought it was about time that I tried out one of these kits from Amazon. The project is a magic shop but I have plans to change it to a magical bookshop and it should be a lot of fun. I’ll be making a video and blog post as I work on this kit with plans of posting the project weekly. If you would like to join me and create the project for yourself, hop over to Amazon and pick up one HERE. This will be the first of several “Craft With Me” projects I have planned in Jan. 2024.

As for Mysterious Plottings, you can stop by and see my progress if you like at: I’ve no idea how quickly this will go but hopefully it will be done by the end of the month (fingers crossed). If you don’t know I’m an avid reader of mysteries, thrillers, and horror books. I’ve got several bookish type craft projects planned for next year as well as hopes to start a reading group/book club online. So if you are interested in this stay tuned and keep checking the new blog over the next month – or two lol depending on how my surgery goes.
So that’s about it for now. I do hope this finds you all healthy and crafty.
Take care,
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