©2024 Teri Hanson/ The Covered Chipboard
New England Lighthouse – Rebuild
Attn: High Priestess Agatha
As you can see, things have moved along nicely this past week. We have managed to salvage some of the furniture left by the previous owners and made them over to fit our needs. Matilda and I have been able to move out of the Inn in town to the lighthouse now making our days less hectic without the travel to and fro.
Something interesting happened this week! Matilda built a dresser for the bedroom which was very nice but a bit plain I thought. So after she was finished I hand painted the inset areas with the theme of the room. A local shop owner from town happened by while I was still painting and fell in love with the dresser. She has asked if we might consider building a few pieces to put in her shop. She seems to think they will sell well and only take 10% for the shop. We would love to give this a try using our own money and spare time. If you agree we would happily give 25% of our sales to the coven. Let us know what you think and here is a look at the finished dresser.

Matilda’s dresser before

My hand-painted finished dresser
Before I get started with the updates, I want to thank you for the bottle of regrow! My finger is just about back to normal now. I’ve learned to be more careful when operating power tools these days!
Completed List . . .
- We have cleaned up the exterior as best as we could. Due to the wind the exterior doesn’t stay clean looking for more than a day or two at a time so we gave up trying to keep it spotless. We did get the blue paint covered up with white paint and the grey trim touched up as needed.
- A new weather vane has been added to the roof, I hope you like the design. This is another item the local shop would like to sell.
- All of the final trim has been added to each of the rooms.
- The signs arrived a few days ago and have all been hung – bringing a lot of questions from the locals I might say.
- We salvaged the bed from the previous owners and have made a trundle bed underneath giving both Matilda and I a warm soft place to sleep. It suits us fine enough that Matilda has abandoned her plans to construct a guest house.
- We also managed to repair the sink so that we both have a place to wash up as needed.

Here’s a look at the finished rooms. We both are finding it very comfortable.

As to other news . . .
Matilda seems to have attracted an admirer. It’s unclear if she is happy about it but she doesn’t seem to be giving him much reason to not hang about. He arrives each morning with a basket of scones and a pitcher of warm herbal tea. I guess he may have some good points about him. I’ll keep you posted about the situation in future reports.
The guardians have finally been convinced to come down from the roof and retire from their post. Since we are now here full time they are no longer needed. I think the locals were a bit glad to see them go as well.
In closing, things are moving along well here. We will start working on the kitchen area next and should have more for you on that in my next report.
Till then . . .
Blessed Be
Zelda & Matilda
For those following the Lighthouse renovation . . .
I am currently working on the SVG files and wood kits, to be sold in my shop, for the Moon Goddess Bed, Sink, Dresser, and Weather Vanes. If you are interested in any of these keep an eye out at my Etsy shop. If you would like a weather vane with a custom design on the top please contact me to discuss this. The price for the Weather vane wood kits will be around $8.99ea.
Note: There will likely be a short break from the Lighthouse while I fill some orders and make a few Christmas gifts so they can be put in the mail. It may be as much as two weeks before I can get back to the project.
Happy mini building to all . . .
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