©2024 Teri Hanson / The Covered Chipboard

I’ve seen many of these boxed kits showing up online and recently picked up a few for myself. Even though I had previously made a “Sherlock” type book nook, this one caught my eye simply for the ornate sections in the roof. It’s been sitting on my shelf for a few months now and last night I decided to pull it out and put some parts together. This was more of a break for me between work projects as it’s just following instructions without having to design something.
After making up a few of the pieces an idea struck me that I could turn this whole kit into two separate kits! The furniture and accent pieces could go into one project while I used the outer shell for another. It occurred to me that many of these “boxed” kits could be altered from the basic construction and made into something totally your own.
I also picked up these two kits simultaneously as the one above but with the idea of a plan for each. You will just have to wait and see what I do with these two at a later date but they should be fun to experiment with!

Because I’ve already made a detective nook, I’m thinking maybe an apothecary vibe for the pieces from this current kit. I’m not sure about what I will do with the shell parts but am certain it will pop into my brain soon.

One thing I have to say about this kit is that I’m finding it lower quality than the other two I’ve made up. As you can see in the photo at left, they have only printed one side of the pieces. My guess is that when used as intended, only one side will show. That will not work for what I plan to do with them so I’m painting the pieces as I go. For me, this isn’t a huge issue because I wanted all the furniture to be black and whitewashed. So depending on your plans, this could or could not be an issue.
This was a fun little shelf piece to build with the books and potion bottles. I found it a bit plain and added spiderweb doors to the front sides. The wings are hinged to the front and left open. I also added a black kraft board piece to the back of the shelf that was originally open.

Here’s a look at the remaining items I’ve created from the kit.

All of these items will become part of a later project as will the book nook case. Check back from time to time to see an updated post!
I hope this encourages you to look at these boxed kits in a different way and that you find a few to work on yourself.
Till next time . . .
Take Care and happy mini crafting!
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