©2024 Teri Hanson/The Covered Chipboard
Emerald Coven Lighthouse Remodel Project

Attn: High Priestess Agatha
Things have been going well here, and the remodel is on track time-wise. However, there have been a few mishaps and some strange happenings. First, we caught some teenagers in the shop area the other night trying to perform a seance. Thank goodness we found them before they had even begun! There’s no telling what spirits they might have let in. I’m not sure how you knew we needed the help but thank you for the guardians you sent. They have however perched themselves up on the widow’s walk and refuse to come down. They say the view of the sea calms them. This makes no sense to me seeing as how they are simply skeletons of earthly bodies and have no soul. But, they seem to be keeping the teenagers away. The other townsfolk seem to love them and I did notice that one came down from its perch to converse with one of the ladies who come by daily. Very strange indeed.
Matilda has been most helpful and has been teaching me how to do many things without the use of magic. I’m amazed at how much she knows about the Wicca religion and I’ve enjoyed the many talks we have had over the long stormy evenings. She has given me much to think about and I’m beginning to see that my rush to achieve my goals, which brought me to the use of dark magic, was a foolish act on my part. I am with hope that the coven can find a way to forgive me in the future.
One local lad brought us an electric heater to use until we have the heating issue figured out. We don’t believe there will be room for a fireplace in the shop so we have been looking at a small pipe-style stove instead. Would this be agreeable to you?
Now, on to the work completed this week . . .
- Wallpaper, trim, and flooring has been added to the second floor kitchen work room area.
- Matilda wanted to do something special for the ceiling in the kitchen so I left her to it. I happen to love what she did and hope it all sits well with you?
- The front door and entry have been completed.
- We are waiting on the beads to arrive for the beaded curtain between the entry and shop areas. Hopefully those will arrive soon.
- In the bedroom area the wallpaper and most of the trim has been installed. (Matilda did dip into the paste again … I have no understanding of how she thinks it tastes good. Alas, another visit from the local doctor who has given her strict instructions to not eat the paste again!
- Matilda did such a good job on the kitchen ceiling that I let her choose the bedroom ceiling as well. Once again I think she did a lovely job with it. Note that we are waiting for the ceiling light to arrive still.
- All windows have been installed at this time and look amazing!

In closing, I do hope that you are happy with all of the work we have completed. Please let us know if anything needs to be changed. Over the next week we should start seeing fixtures and possibly some furniture arrive and will send the next progress report near the end of the week.
PS: Matilda wanted to thank you for letting her be part of this project and will enclose a short letter on her way to the post office.
With the highest regards,
Merry Meet Sister Agatha,
Just a little update here. Zelda has been working tirelessly and I’ve seen such a great change in her attitude over the past couple of weeks. I believe her temperament has changed much for the better and she is on the road to redemption. She still has no idea that I was part of a sister coven and have moved here to be part of the Emerald Cove Coven. Nor does she know that I will be staying on here at the lighthouse as one of the two keepers. Even though the work has been hard, Zelda seems to be enjoying herself, is eager to learn new skills, and has made the comment she will be sad to leave this place when the work is done. She gets along with the locals very well and has made a friend or two. Might you consider letting her stay on as the second keeper? I think she would be a great asset.
One last thing . . . I’m going to whip up some Re-Grow as you gave me liberty to use my magic only if deemed necessary. There are some things Zelda struggles to do without all of her fingers (grin). I’ll be sure a wait a couple of days after this letter and simply pretend you sent it via Owl post.
Have a blessed day,
For those following the Lighthouse renovation . . .
Second Floor – Kitchen/Work room
I’ve tried to do something unique on each floor of the lighthouse. For the second floor – the kitchen/work area – I’ve printed out a hexagon digital pattern on paper and am in the process of using Liquid Glass on each hexagon shape to create a tile appearance. It’s a tedious process but one that truly makes a difference and is super inexpensive. The floor is larger than 12″ in diameter so I’ve had to piece it together. Where you can see seems will be covered by furniture so these won’t show in the end. The digital paper used is: Hexagon Mosiac Tile paper for dollhouse by GioGrafica.
The wallpaper was also created with two digital papers overlayed and merged. Unfortunately I do not have a link for these. The ceiling was also a digital paper with a pentagram added in the center. Plastic vines were painted with a Moss Green acrylic paint, cut to size, and glued to the paper.

Third Floor Bedroom . . .
For this room I wanted a calmer feel and used another digital paper: Junk Journal Moonlight by Liana Scrap. Its a bit hard to see in these photos but the center area of the ceiling paper has tiny stars on it. I fell in love with this paper and it prints out beautifully.
The flooring was made with balsawood cut into half-inch wide strips of various lengths. Once again you are not able to build the entire floor and then get it inside the room due to the small opening. I actually split the floor in half creating one side with a little lip so that the other side could be glued on the lip and hide the seem. I used brown Cricut Kraft Paper to start and glued the wood strips onto that, then glued each side in the room one at a time.
As you can see in the right image, I’ve added the pull-down stair door into the ceiling which gives access to the widow’s walk area. I still need to trim this out a bit. And I’ve begun to paint the underside of the widow’s walk with a medium grey paint. This will take at least two coats of paint.

What’s to come . . .
- Finish Liquid Glass application on the second floor
- Trim the outside area of third-floor ceiling
- Paint the underside of the widow’s walk
- Fix the flooring on the widow’s walk area
- Add railing around the outside of the widow’s walk
- Create signage for the outside of the Lighthouse walls
- Decide on paint colors for the outside walls
- Add shingles to both roof areas
- Create a weather vane for the top
- Figure out a way to hide the electrical strip at the bottom of the structure
So as you can see I have a ways to go on the project before I can start creating furniture for the rooms. It’s likely that I will have to take a break from the project to make up my Christmas gifts and then maybe get back to the project before the holidays. Wish me luck!
Once again, thank you for following along with this build and I do hope you are enjoying the little story behind the build.
Blessed Be . . .
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