- Name Facebook Group – Check out some amazing miniatures when you get a chance!
- National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts
Feb/Mar 2024

This was the project from the second meeting I attended which I’m guessing was in Feb/Mar. Sadly I’m not sure of the lady who offered the project but once I find out I’ll update this post!
This was such fun and the first time I’ve made something in an Altoids tin. The only changes I made were with the couch (the kit one had a back like the chairs but it broke on me) using a little kit from Petite Properties, and adding a false wall at the back to give the room more dimension.

Here you can see the couch I substituted as well as the little pillow.

Don’t you just LOVE the style of the little chairs! I’m still sad that my couch broke.

While something I would not normally do, I wound up loving the variety of bricks used.
June 2024

This darling little “She Shed” was a fun project to teach me patience while working with some of the tiny fiddly parts (grin). My joy has always come from building the main structure and then the finishing of the structure and landscaping. After working on these smaller decorative parts I’m finding a growing sense of accomplishment from working with the smaller items.

I adore these tiny wood post-style birdhouses with faux tin roofs.

The picnic table fits so well with the simple style and theme of the project.

I added two flower pots in the corners made from painted wood beads.
During the meeting, several of us remarked that the rocking chairs and side table looked way to large for the scale of the shed. The size made a bit more sense when we were told they were “Cracker Barrell Rockers” (grin) but I’m still a bit unsure of how well they fit. For now they stay and I will be dressing the little table very soon.
That’s all for this time but stay tuned for more projects coming in the months ahead. As of now I will be creating our project for November so I’m looking forward to that!
Till next time . . .

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